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Community foundations contribute time, leadership and financial support to local initiatives, helping people give back where their communities need it most. With an intimate knowledge of local priorities, community foundations champion what matters most by directing grants, expertise, leadership, and other investments towards everything from shelter, education, and care for those in need, to the arts, environment and recreation!
Community foundations connect people, families and companies with causes that inspire them. We pool resources, knowledge and expertise, working with others for even greater impact. And we help donors realize their philanthropic goals by matching their interests with community needs and finding innovative ways to make every donation count.
These gifts are carefully invested and the earnings returned to the community, year after year, and because the principal is never spent, over time much more than the value of the endowments are returned to local charities! This is an exciting and unique way to give back to Greater Sudbury, and it is an effective way to support the Greater Sudbury community as a whole.
Community foundations work with donors to create their charitable legacy. No matter the gift size, our donors know they are helping to create a permanent endowment for the community, with the investment earnings distributed to the broadest range of charitable initiatives in the community. A Community Foundation is not the object of a donor's philanthropy but rather seeks to provide donors with the information, resources and tools to accomplish their charitable goals!
Your community foundation continues to be led by passionate volunteers and staff with the vision and skills to inspire philanthropy that benefits our community, now and forever!
Have Questions? Send an email to: Sally Dunton (executivescf@gmail.com)