Ways to Give

Gifts to the Sudbury Community Foundation come in many forms. 

Each gift, no matter the size, helps make a significant impact on the quality of life in our community!

You can make a gift of cash, publicly traded securities, life insurance, RRSPs/RRIFs, bequests, real estate, or other assets to the Foundation. We would be pleased to work with you and your financial advisor to ensure that the gift suits your personal and estate needs as well as your philanthropic goals. Your gift qualifies for maximum charitable benefit under federal law.

Gifts of Cash

Many of our donors find this to be the easiest and most appealing way to give, as funds are invested immediately and begin generating interest. In addition, you receive an immediate charitable tax receipt for the full amount of your donation. 

Cheques are payable to "Sudbury Community Foundation", 96 Larch Street, Suite 200, Sudbury, ON, P3E 1C1. If you wish to make a donation to a specific fund, please specify the name of the fund on the “Memo” line of the cheque. Donations made by Visa and MasterCard can be made by telephone at 705.673.7770.

Donations can be made online by visiting www.canadahelps.org

Gifts of Securities

You can transfer appreciated securities to the Foundation. Marketable securities include publicly traded shares, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. A tax receipt is issued for the full market value on the date of transfer and eliminates tax to be paid on any of the capital gains realized. Contact the Foundation to initiate the process with our Investment Manager. 

Gifts by Bequest

Through a charitable bequest set out in your will, you can designate a gift, a particular asset or a portion of your estate to the Foundation and in some cases, receive a substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes. This is a great way for a donor to leave a legacy to the Foundation. You may specify that a gift in your will be used to establish a new fund in your name or be added to any existing fund.  We also urge you to consider establishing a “container gift” now with a small donation so that your intentions can be clearly outlined in a fund agreement.  

Life Insurance

Donors can give a gift of life insurance, which leaves a significant gift at an economical and manageable cost. You can donate an existing policy or purchase a new policy making the Foundation the owner and beneficiary.  In this instance, you can donate the full amount of the premiums to the Foundation in exchange for a charitable receipt.   Another option is to keep ownership of the policy and designate the Foundation as beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the proceeds from your life insurance policy. This option can help in reducing your estate taxes. By transferring the policy to the Foundation’s name, you receive an immediate tax receipt for the cash surrender value.

Charitable Remainder Trust

You can place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to you or another named beneficiary for life. After your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to the Foundation and is placed in the charitable fund you’ve selected. You receive income tax benefits the year you establish your trust.

Gifts of Other Assets

The Foundation will consider such gifts on an individual basis in keeping with our Gift Acceptance policies.

More about Sudbury Community Foundation

Find more ways to get involved, explore our funds and grants or give a gift today!


Donate to an existing fund that supports a cause that you are passionate about and become a catalyst for change!

Community Grants

Learn how SCF supports local charitable organizations, including granting priorities, criteria and application dates.

Start a Fund

See what types of funds we have to offer at the Sudbury Community Foundation and how to become a fundholder.