Applying for a Student Bursary


Grant information and application forms are distributed to the appropriate school boards each year, but students and guidance counselors can start their own applications by downloading the forms below. Grants are only made to qualified Canadian educational institutions for use by successful applicants. The submission deadline is on May 31st of each year.


The Dr. Oluremi Ogundimu Sudbury Afro-Canadian Heritage Association Fund

This bursary may be presented to one or two students of Afro-Canadian/African descent who meet the following criteria:

  • Secondary school students of Afro-Canadian heritage/African descent who are applying to a post-secondary institution in the current year
  • The student must demonstrate a contribution to school and community life
  • The student must be a resident of Greater Sudbury or North Eastern Ontario
  • Financial need may be considered
  • Scholastic achievement is an asset

Richard Roy Dixon Bursary Fund - $1,000

Mr. Dixon established this fund to help students from Greater Sudbury who were in the top 25% of graduates and who wanted to pursue a post-secondary education but were held back because of financial constraints. 

The following criteria apply:

  • Student has been identified in the top 25% of graduate
  • Student has demonstrated the greatest academic improvement
  • Student demosntartes financial need

The Twisted Doll Continuing Education Fund - $500

The Twisted Doll Continuing Education Fund bursary supports graduating secondary school students who are from Greater Sudbury and who are pursuing studies in visual arts / fine arts at the post-secondary level.

The following criteria apply:

  • Student demonstrates a dedicated passion for visual arts / fine arts. 
  • Student has shared his/her talent within the community. 
  • Student consistently puts forth his/her personal best.
  • Student displays a positive attitude and strong work ethic. 
  • Student will, along with the Student Application Form and Principal/Teacher Referral Form, submit to the Foundation a portfolio of 3 visual art pieces with descriptions (to be returned) as well as a short essay describing their future goals and how s/he met the above.

Joseph and Gloria Sidock Award - $500

This award was created in honour of Joseph and Gloria Sidock to recognize their lifelong commitment to Blind RiverThis award was created in honour of Joseph and Gloria Sidock to recognize their lifelong commitment to Blind River and the surrounding community. This award is focused on volunteerism, leadership and outstanding contributions to local community in Blind River and surrounding areas. The recipient will be a student who actively volunteers, fundraises and displays a true passion of improving their community. Applications are to be sent in with two letters of support from community leaders, educators or organizations. Examples of financial need will be considered, but nota determining factor in the final decision.

The Joseph and Gloria Sidock Scholarship fund is held in trust by the Sudbury Community Foundation. The awardwill be directly applied to the recipient’s tuition after providing proof of registration. Please submit completedapplications to, no later than June 1, 2024. Please call the Foundation for more informationat 705.673.7770 or Tim Sidock at 204.998.0450. 

The successful applicant will be required to submit proof of acceptance to the educational institution specified in the application:

  • Student demonstrates outstanding contributions to their community through volunteer and fundraising efforts 
  • Student consistently puts forth his/her personal best
  • Student displays a positive attitude and strong work ethic